Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How to create datagrid with radiobuttonlist?

I want to create datagrid with radiobuttonlist to display exam questions and answer on it. However, I having problem to develop it. Currently I am developing an E-Learning system for primary school, I am using and to develop this project. Can anyone give me suggest or comments to develop? Simutaneously can you give me some coding sample to assist me.How to create datagrid with radiobuttonlist?
Create a grid template column for the datagrid. I don't use asp lot but u get idea


%26lt;asp:GridView runat=';Server'; id=';grd1';%26gt;




//Add Radio button here

%26lt;input type=';radio';...




%26lt;/asp:GridView%26gt;How to create datagrid with radiobuttonlist?
you would have to fundamentally change the behavior of the datagrid column to be a radio button.. Datagrids (out of the box) currently have check boxes, buttons, images, combo boxes, and link column types.. If you can use one of those.. If you cannot.. Well... Adding a whole new column type I a bit more advanced and time consuming then a yahoo answer would allow.

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