Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to place or pass the selected value from a datgrid to the select statement?

For instance...

in datagrid we are having check box.. bound to it....

i am goin to display the column name in it...

user can select or check as many columns he want

suppose if user selects three column means ... these three column should get placed in the select query..

for instance...

if user select order id,order name from order table means..

what should i get is

str=';select orderid,ordername from order';

the column name must be append to str only during run time...

these process are goin to take place in run time... hence table name ,column name will change based on the selection from the user

help me out to overcome the problem...

any tutorial link or code 'll help me lot...

urgent .. make it fast..

i'll be thank ful for you..

thanks in advance........How to place or pass the selected value from a datgrid to the select statement?
I suppose as follows :


Column1 Column2 Column3 and so on

now user selects Column1 and column3

first store column checked value as follows:

Dim varC1 as String

if not isnull(Me.datagrid1.Column(0) or _

Me.datagrid1.Column(0) %26lt;%26gt; ';'; Then

varC1=Trim(varC1) %26amp; Me.datagrid1.Column(0).Value %26amp; ';,';


if not isnull(Me.datagrid1.Column(1) or _

Me.datagrid1.Column(1) %26lt;%26gt; ';'; Then

varC1=Trim(varC1) %26amp; Me.datagrid1.Column(1).Value %26amp; ';,';


if not isnull(Me.datagrid1.Column(2) or _

Me.datagrid1.Column(2) %26lt;%26gt; ';'; Then

varC1=Trim(varC1) %26amp; e.datagrid1.Column(2).Value


str=';SELECT '; %26amp; varC1 From urTableName

before executing SQL place Stop beneath str and check if it shows correct value.

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