Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I have 10 datagrid views in a form i want to write a loop for it in do i wirte the code.?

I have written in this way






But for this iam getting a error .

Pls tell me how to write the code for the following.I have 10 datagrid views in a form i want to write a loop for it in do i wirte the code.?
Sounds to me like you want a list of DataGridViews, so first you have to create the list.

Note you will need to declare System.Collections.Generic to have access to List.

using System.Collections.Generic;

dataGridViews = new List%26lt;DataGridView%26gt;();

Next you need to populate the list

dataGridVIews.Add( new DataGridView );

then to loop through it, simply do this:

foreach( DataGridView mGrid in dataGridViews )





This will loop through all of them in the list. I'm pretty sure you can also use your method and just use dataGridViews[i].DataSource=blah;

Hopefully that accomplishes what you needed.I have 10 datagrid views in a form i want to write a loop for it in do i wirte the code.?





The way it was before does not get that i is variable.

Hope this will work.

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