Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In visual basic 6, how can u bind a datagrid control to the ms access database usng manual coding adodb?

Private Sub Form_Activate()

Set GRID.DataSource = REC

End Sub

that is my code but it wont work. the error is : the rowset is not bookmarkable. pls send me the correct code. thanks a lot.In visual basic 6, how can u bind a datagrid control to the ms access database usng manual coding adodb?
This is an unbound method. It works for me. Hope this helps you too.

Dim Mycon As New ADODB.Connection

Dim M1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim S1 As String

S1 = ';Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;'; %26amp; _

';Data Source='; %26amp; _

App.Path %26amp; ';A.mdb';

Mycon.Open S1

M1.Open ';select * from B';, Mycon, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Dim c As Integer

Dim r As Integer

Dim col_wid() As Single

Dim field_wid As Single

' Use one fixed row and no fixed columns.

MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 2

MSFlexGrid1.FixedRows = 1

MSFlexGrid1.FixedCols = 0

' Display column headers.

MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1

MSFlexGrid1.Cols = M1.Fields.Count

ReDim col_wid(0 To M1.Fields.Count - 1)

For c = 0 To M1.Fields.Count - 1

MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, c) = M1.Fields(c).Name

col_wid(c) = TextWidth(M1.Fields(c).Name)

Next c

' Display the values for each row.

r = 1

Do While Not M1.EOF

MSFlexGrid1.Rows = MSFlexGrid1.Rows + 1

For c = 0 To M1.Fields.Count - 1

MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(r, c) = _


' See how big the value is.

field_wid = TextWidth(M1.Fields(c).Value)

If col_wid(c) %26lt; field_wid Then col_wid(c) = _


Next c


r = r + 1


' Set the column widths.

For c = 0 To MSFlexGrid1.Cols - 1

MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(c) = col_wid(c) + 240

Next c

' Close the recordset and connection.


Mycon.CloseIn visual basic 6, how can u bind a datagrid control to the ms access database usng manual coding adodb?
hello!......he asked for a data grid control and not a flex grid control you DUH!

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